The art classes this term are based on a ‘Round the World ‘virtual’ art tour!
The flights commence on the 22nd of August (usual locations and times) and make sure you pack your drawing materials for our pre-boarding sketching project. (Pencils, charcoal, eraser, A3 drawing paper).
We’ll be traversing the globe in a westerly direction, stopping at a few North-Atlantic destinations before heading south through Canada and the Americas.
En-route our projects will be inspired by the Landscape, People, Culture and Art of every country we pass through.
Having looked at most of the ‘isms’ of art last year, we have one more ‘ism’ to explore – escap-ism!
Fees (as per last year) £100 for 11 weeks, (Electronic Bank Transfer), cash or cheque at our first class and feel free to get in touch if you have any thoughts or questions.